MR. TITO: Is All Elite Wrestling (AEW) Trying to Grow Too Fast Without Thinking Long-Term?

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All Elite Wrestling (AEW) has a valuable asset backstage at their events that they need to consult. His name is Arn Anderson and he has a career that spans across NWA Mid Atlantic, World Championship Wrestling, and WWF/WWE. He has had a front seat to some serious Pro Wrestling.

If you watch the “Monday Night Wars” documentary series on the WWE Network, he has very pointed comments about why World Championship Wrestling eventually lost that “war” against the WWE. WCW began winning the viewership battle on Monday Nights during mid-1996 and began dominating the WWE on live attendance and Pay Per View buys right after that. It wasn’t until the Spring of 1998 that the WWE finally caught WCW and then by mid-1998 when the WWE began regularly defeating WCW again.

Arn’s perspective is unique, as he states that WCW burned through all of the big and unique matches too quickly during 1996-1997 in efforts to stay ahead that by 1998, WCW had completed burned out its fans on its superstars. WCW had 2 hours of LIVE Nitro to fill while beginning to fill 3 hours of LIVE Nitro by August 1997. They had monthly Pay Per Views, too, and they tried to “stack the deck” for those shows too. Arn said something to the effect of “burning through all of the great match-ups too quickly”. By 1998, WCW was still trying Hulk Hogan vs. Roddy Piper or Macho Man Randy Savage in the Main Event. Furthermore, WCW was still trying to heavily push the New World Order gimmick. Then, by July 1998, WCW rushed Bill Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan for WCW Nitro.

That’s what worries me about rushing Kenny Omega vs. Bryan Danielson at the upcoming AEW Dynamite. Yes, I’m well aware that AEW is in New York City and wanting to make a major splash. I get that… But to put Bryan Danielson in a match with Kenny Omega for his first major AEW bout? And what if Bryan wins and becomes champion (if the title is on the line)?

Meanwhile, many within the Internet Wrestling Community are actually criticizing AEW for not pushing CM Punk fast enough? Huh?

But aside from CM Punk versus (Insert AEW Opponent) and Bryan Danielson versus (Insert AEW Opponent), what match-ups does AEW have that would impress fans outside of the loyal AEW fanbase? Between Pay Per Views and weekly AEW Dynamite shows, AEW has already burned through most of the unique match-ups with their roster already. Furthermore, by adding more ex-WWE stars, they have already wrestled each other before in the past at WWE.

Certainly, I understand AEW’s mentality of wanting to WIN NOW. They can taste the blood in the water, as WWE continues to decline particularly on Monday Night viewership and weak ticket sales. Yet, even with CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Ruby Soho, and Adam Cole (Bay Bay) added recently, AEW is getting a 1.3 million total number at its absolute best. Meanwhile, RAW gets about 1.6 million on a bad week. There is still a gap in place between the awful WWE and AEW who is hotshotting every great match-up they have on weekly AEW Dynamite shows. Now that they want AEW Rampage to be successful, they’ll burn through unique match-ups at a faster pace.

What AEW needs is a major conflict or storyline that not just captivates its existing audience, but pulls in newer fans to try AEW’s programming. That’s the missing piece to the puzzle. When Scott Hall and Kevin Nash joined WCW during 1996, they had a ready-made storyline already scripted in place where they’d act like they were invading the company to create an internal WWF vs. WCW war on WCW Nitro. Hall and Nash would go nameless for weeks and do crazy violent things against WCW talent. Then, they hyped a “third man” to be revealed at a later date. Guy #3, of course, turned out to be Hulk Hogan and they formed a heel faction that wanted to dominated WCW. This caused Sting, Lex Luger, Diamond Dallas Page, the Steiners, Harlem Heat, and many others to step up and challenge the NWO stable that was quite deep with talent itself.

CM Punk and Bryan Danielson just joined AEW as wrestlers… Nothing special, but they just debuted as the newest additions to the AEW roster. CM Punk is going to work with some of the younger talent for a while and Daniel Bryan is going right for Kenny Omega to wrestle on FREE television this Wednesday in New York.

Throughout AEW, you really don’t have any major storylines… They tried the whole Impact invasion and association, but that kind of fell apart (didn’t do much for Impact). The Elite group really isn’t much threat to the rest of the roster and they just aren’t captivating anybody with their promos to hype matches. There just aren’t that many strong storylines right now and thus AEW is subsidizing their Creative weakness by instantly pushing former WWE stars to top spots. Hence why you’ll be seeing Kenny Omega vs. Bryan Danielson and Ruby Soho vs. Dr. Britt Baker shortly on FREE television.

But don’t you worry, WWE is doing the same thing… Thanks to CM Punk’s debut and recent defeats in key demos for RAW vs. Dynamite, the WWE is quickly reforming a few things. WWE wanted to keep Brock Lesnar on the shelf for a while, reportedly until 2023, but then they rushed a private jet to his home and pulled him back with a new deal and now a new match with Roman Reigns at Crown Jewel. Then, WWE ripped up the scripted to the RAW show and opted to move Big E there to win the WWE Title via MITB briefcase cash-in. Then, Big E comes back to Smackdown after his title win and starts a feud with the Bloodline. Now, freakin’ Roman Reigns is actually going to wrestle on WWE Monday Night RAW for the first time since 2019. Competition has caused the WWE to become very reactionary lately.

Here’s the thing… Even if Tony Khan, whom the Observer Boys dubbed as “Booker of the Year” for 2020, comes up with a great storyline, it doesn’t mean that the fans will believe it.

Over the weekend, I was watching an interview with Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine. Dr. Dre is a famous recording artist and producer, as many of you may know, and Jimmy Iovine was once a great studio engineer who moved into becoming a great record producer for Interscope records. With Dre’s labels being represented by Interscope, he and Jimmy became great friends and also formed a business partnership that would make both very wealthy. They created the Beats headphone brand together and sold it to freakin’ Apple for $3.2 billion. Anyway, I was watching an interview with the both of them together and they were asked about Social Media. While Jimmy suggested that Social Media emphasized “fame” over music quality, Dr. Dre had a more interesting answer.

What Dr. Dre said is that Social Media “removes the mystique” from the artists. In other words, by presenting yourself daily on Social Media through pictures, posts, or other personal information, you’ll removing fan curiosity or imagination about the artist. Music fans want their artists to be “larger than life” and doing things that normal humans wouldn’t do in their personal life. However, if a fan tunes into an artist’s Instagram pictures, they’ll find out a ton of information on their favorite artists.

Let me give you a good example… Alexa Bliss is constantly posting pictures of herself and her boyfriend on her Instagram page. Meanwhile, she also presents her real name of “Lexi Kaufman” on her site as well. This would be all fine and dandy if that were her character right now, but it’s completely contrary to it. Bliss is still talking to her dolls and trying to do the supernatural stuff as a carry over from her days working with Bray Wyatt/Fiend. However, if you tune into her Social Media, you’ll see her doing normal things in her real life. It just doesn’t make any sense… On RAW, she’s presenting herself as a demented Harley Quinn character who is still riding on the Fiend’s fumes, but in real life, she’s nothing at all like her character.

Go look at the musical artists of the past… How about Prince? The guy was mysterious… People are still trying to figure him out to this day. Hell, even look at Norm McDonald as a comedian. The guy had very loose friendships and kept his private life very private. Thus, what you saw on television or doing stand-up was what you assumed Norm was all about. Listening to Podcasts on Norm over the weekend, guys like Conan O’Brien and Jimmy Kimmel cited that they didn’t know Norm that well even though he was on their shows repeatedly. Why? Because he kept a mystery about him.

And that is why we CANNOT have a storyline like the NWO or Austin vs. McMahon. Too many wrestlers would blab about it on Social Media and then suddenly, the booking loses interest by fans. Meanwhile to the outside world, newer fans see two completely contradictory worlds here on Television versus Social Media. Because Pro Wrestlers REFUSE to protect the business on their Social Media accounts and instead advertise their real life exploits, fans won’t believe anything that happens on the weekly television show.

Maybe this is what Tony Khan is doing… just throwing as many great and unique match-ups possible at the wall and hopping for something that will stick. When you don’t have a good Creative process in place, this is what tends to happen with a booker. In reality, Tony is burning out his new brand so much that he’ll be reliant on incoming ex-WWE wrestlers to save the day.

I’m definitely excited about some good and experienced hands to help round out the AEW roster. They needed some big signings as many of their initial signings either fizzled out or got injured from going too hard every week. HOWEVER, the Creative has to be right too along with proper guidance on how to put on a good match (road agents are very important, yo).

I keep telling everyone… Lots of eerie similarities between AEW (WCW) and WWE from the WCW/WWE Monday Night Wars of 1996-1997. WCW burned through its best matches and as the NWO storyline fizzled, so did WCW.

But Creative isn’t fully right at AEW… Until you come up with a major storyline and get fans to actually buy into it (unless it is heavily exploited by AEW on Social Media), you’ll just be adding to your roster’s payroll as WCW did during 1998-2001 and WWE tried during late 1991 and early 1992 by loading up on talent. Or WORSE YET, you’ll become TNA Wrestling where each subsequent ex-WWE/WCW/ECW veteran added weight to a sinking Dixie Carter ship because Creative wasn’t right.

Until Tony Khan captivates an audience with a Storyline that heavily utilizes the wrestlers he just acquired, these big signings of CM Punk and Bryan Danielson could be for not… Sure, he can make it a happy place for performers to work and that is fine & dandy, but if you want to win, you’ve got to build mystique about your product, storylines, and wrestlers. You cannot do that with your current creative nor can you possibly do that when pro wrestlers, themselves, talk about how scripted the shows are via YouTube shows or their own Social Media accounts.

Just be careful “going for it all” right now, Tony. This should be a long-term project to overtake the WWE as the #1 company. WWE still has better Television contracts than you and still has bigger stars than you (Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar). If WWE figures out how to reboot their product, particularly the Talent Developmental that Triple H fumbled, then the WWE will retake their dominance a year from now. They signed a whole bunch of younger talent, whom nobody has seen before, and they could inject some fresh blood into the wrestling system that is badly needed. AEW is too reliant on stars that made their names with other promotions.

When AEW does Kenny Omega vs. Daniel Bryan, that’s one “dream match” removed from Daniel Bryan that they can never make special or unique again. All for a free television show just to win a stupid 18-49 demographic again and to maybe overcome RAW while trying to impress New York fans. I don’t know, that’s quite a short-term gamble that might harm things long-term.

So what will you do next week as a follow-up, Tony? You gave the fans a loaded show for free this Wednesday, what about the next show? And what happens when the next show isn’t as good as this week’s show? Do you see the problems that you could be creating for yourself?

And be careful about playing favoritism to these ex-WWE stars… Many fans love the AEW originals who were there from day 1 during 2019. When you start catering to ex-stars of other companies, those stars better be used well enough to keep your loyal fans around. All about Creative, Tony…

So just chill… Until the next episode!

Comments and feedback are welcome. Follow and Tweet me @titowrestling or login in below to post comments.



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