Vince McMahon’s attorney issues response to amended complaint against him from Janel Grant

It was reported by The Wall Street Journal in January of 2024 that Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, filed a lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis in a Connecticut federal court. McMahon was accused of sex trafficking in the complaint.

On January 31st 2025, an amended complaint surfaced and Vince’s attorney Jessica Rosenberg issued a response…

“As expected, the proposed amended complaint is nothing more than the latest publicity stunt in an ongoing smear campaign. It is filled with desperate falsehoods from a team that continues to disregard the law and the truth.”

Brandon Thurston of highlighted the following new details from Grant’s amended complaint…

-John Laurinaitis’s office–where McMahon and Laurinaitis allegedly together sexually assaulted Grant, and where Laurinaitis allegedly frequently instructed Grant to give him oral sex–shared a wall with Paul Levesque’s office, a new assertion that raises questions about Levesque’s awareness of Grant’s treatment at WWE HQ.

-According to a transcript provided by Grant, Vince told her in a voice memo that they needed to complete their NDA quickly because of an upcoming meeting with WWE’s Board in which he would have to disclose any pending litigation, which would include the NDA if it wasn’t signed yet. Not signing the NDA in time could lead to the Board having to learn about their relationship, which Vince feared would put his marriage and his position at WWE at risk.

-At Vince’s urging she allegedly provided “customized” sexually explicit images to be shared with WWE’s writing team and creative executive Michael Hayes.