Agree to Disagree: Love/Hate relationship between fans

Judging by the last opinion piece I wrote, we are going to agree to disagree.  But that’s what makes wrestling fun! Knowing that your opinion is “King of the Mountain”, and others must bow to yours.  Debate is what I love the most. Being able to tell your side of the story, while the other person listens and provides their counterpoint!

The last article I wrote Monkey see, Monkey do received a ton of criticism!  And I appreciate that!  I want everyone to come at me guns blazing, and show me what they got!  Because just like me, you have an opinion too!  That’s what makes democracy fun!  We are not bound by a single person’s mode of thought.  So if you go out and say that AEW is the best, almost every single time someone is going to say that WWE is the best.

Maybe Roman Reigns is the greatest heel of this generation (I don’t share in that same opinion), somebody else will be saying, hold on a second!  “MJF is a great talker, how can you say he isn’t the best?”  Debate is what we as “pro wrestling” fans are supposed to do!  You shouldn’t settle for something that is just good enough, you want the best product you can watch on TV.  That is how debate is formed.  We are all fantasy bookers because that is what fans do!  We want to make our favorite fed better, so this is how we do it!  We debate…

It is however unfortunate that we have to cannibalize each other to make the point of being the king of the mountain!  Nobody should strive to want their opinion to be number one.  You want it to be there to show others there is merit in your thinking…

So I’m going to call some people out from the comments of the last article (very briefly).

Joseph Orion, I don’t know how I was slamming MITB.  I said it was status quo (which isn’t horrible).  I didn’t make any mention about how it was bad that John Cena came out and made an announcement.  The timing was not my cup of tea.  It felt forced, like since he was the face of the WWE for a long time, he needed to say something.  The show could have did without it.  The rest of your point sums up the “typical” butt hurt wrestling fan.  That’s not me brother.  Don’t even put me in that same sentence.  I enjoy any wrestling, good or bad.  I watched GCW a couple weeks back.  Some of it was fine, some of it wasn’t good.  So what?  My opinion not yours.  Moving on…

DanNJ316, any wrestling “mark” can write anything.  Marks are fans too.  Whether you like it or not, by being a fan, you’re a mark.  That was a hot take.  I never claimed I wasn’t a fan, or a mark, or whatever you want to call me.  If you don’t have anything better to do than to deficate all over someone’s opinion, why don’t you go take up needlepoint snowflake.

So with that, I’ll close…

The needle will forever be moving in pro wrestling, “sports entertainment” or whatever you want to call it.  The fact is, let’s all try and be at the top half of the debate, not slumming it as a know it all.  Let others be heard, stop being tribalistic and open up your mind to new things.  Because maybe one day, you’ll be fortunate enough, (like myself) that someone will let you write about the “sport” you love, and others will debate with you, and not against you!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this or any of my articles, or just want to talk wrestling, you can reach me at