Results of Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens from WWE Royal Rumble 2025

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens for the undisputed WWE Universal title took place at WWE Royal Rumble 2025. Here are the highlights…

* This was a ladder match with Cody’s WWE title and the Winged Eagle title both on the line. Cody walked under the ladder during his entrance.

* There was an intense stare down as the match started. The two quickly fought on the outside of the ring and Owens used a piece of a ladder on Cody. Cody fought back and they brawled in the crowd. Once they returned to ringside, Owens brought a ladder into the ring. Owens also set up a ladder bridge on the outside. Owen grabbed a miniature ladder and used it as a weapon on Cody.

* At one point, Cody grabbed the titles, but was then hanging up in the air before getting back onto the ladder. The two took turns hitting each other with the piece of ladder. Cody gained the upper hand by giving Owens a back body drop onto the side of a ladder. Owens regained control by powerbombing Cody into a corner ladder bridge.

* The two ended up on the top and Owens gave Cody a fisherman buster through another ladder bridge. Officials came down to ringside to check on Cody along with Sami Zayn.

* Cody recovered and the two were back on the outside of the ring. Cody ended up giving Owens an Alabama slam through the ladder bridge on the outside of the ring. Cody then got back into the ring, climbed the ladder, and grabbed both titles to win. Cody celebrated as officials checked on a bloody Owens.