Poll: What is the worst entrance theme song in WWE history?

There have been plenty of memorable WWE theme songs created over the years but some of them are remembered for the wrong reasons. Which WWE theme song will go down in history as the worst?

What is the WORST theme song in WWE history?

Root Canal (Issac Yankem)
Censorship (Right to Censor)
Beautiful Life (Brie Bella)
Welcome to the Queendom (Stephanie McMahon)
Go, Go, Go (B-Team)
Booger Man (Bastion Booger)
Holla (Kelly Kelly)
Sweet Lovin’ Arms (Bertha Faye)
What ‘Chu Lookin’ At (X-Factor)
Real Man’s Man (William Regal)
Ass Man (Billy Gunn)
Something not listed

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