The Undertaker on Hulk Hogan getting booed at WWE RAW: “Sometimes, in life, things come back”
At the Netflix premiere of WWE RAW on January 6th 2025, Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan cut a promo with longtime manager Jimmy Hart to hype up the event and promote his Real American Beer product. Despite praising the fans, Hogan was largely booed during the segment.
While speaking on his Six Feet Under podcast, The Undertaker commented on if he felt bad about Hogan getting booed. Undertaker said the following…
“When I saw him, he was no selling it and pushing his beer. I didn’t see…I wasn’t backstage when he came [to the backstage area]. I got feelings for people. Sometimes, in life, things come back. He was bigger than life, Americana kinda of deal, then he gets caught on tape saying some derogatory, racist things. In this day and age, where all of that is such a hot-button deal, I don’t know what you expect. People are going to react, and they are not going to react in a positive way.” (quote courtesy of
The Undertaker on Hulk Hogan getting booed at the Raw premiere on Netflix
“Sometimes in life things come back”
(6 feet under)
— Vick (@Vick_8122) February 3, 2025