Smackdown general manager Nick Aldis believes “there is a way” for CM Punk to wrestle in WWE again

During an interview with Rob Butler of BBC Norfolk, WWE Smackdown general manager Nick Aldis commented on CM Punk potentially returning to WWE…

“He’s built & cultivated a huge fanbase, he sells a ton of merchandise, he moves numbers, he sells tickets, he puts butts in seats… call me old fashioned but that trumps everything else.

There is a way for him to compete in WWE & I think that if it can be done & I think there is a way it can be really good business for everybody & I will wait with bated breath like everyone else to see if it happens, but if it does I’ll be excited to be involved with it.” (quote courtesy of @WrestleOps)

Aldis addressed the interview clip with the following message via Twitter/X…

”I’m disappointed that this answer is edited out of context, considering it’s the BBC. For the record, I have no dog in the fight, and that situation is above my paygrade. Be better journalists.”