Wrestling veterans comment on WWE stars being released
As previously noted, WWE released ten superstars on Thursday. Wrestling veterans Dustin Rhodes, Lance Storm, and Shane “Hurricane” Helms reacted to the news…
No matter what happens in each of your lives, remember why you started. Storms will come and they will pass. Head up and push through that shit. Find your passion elsewhere. I did, so can you! #KeepSteppin
— Dustin Rhodes (@dustinrhodes) April 15, 2021
Wishing all the best to all talent released today. It’s always a rotten feeling but talent rises, who know what the future holds.
— Lance Storm (@LanceStorm) April 15, 2021
To those that got the call today, just about every successful person in this industry has received a similar call. It’s not the end of your story. You’re the author and I look forward to reading more. I respect you all.
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) April 15, 2021