Triple H comments on how he has been handling his role as head of WWE creative so far

During WWE’s August 16th 2022 earnings call, Triple H discussed his new role as the head of WWE creative

“The opportunity in front of us is massive and as a great man once told me, ‘first day on the job thinking.’ That’s what we’re doing here, first day on the job thinking. For me, I’ve been doing this for a long time, from behind the scenes in creative, from really almost the very beginning of my career here with WWE. I’m approaching it from a ‘first day’ what is working, what isn’t working, from the overall picture, all the day down to the smallest of details and really trying to create from there. It all comes down to the same thing that it’s come down to since the beginning; creating iconic characters, putting them in amazing storylines and fantastic storylines and whatever works for those characters the best and then running with it and watching how fans react to that along the way. I think the opportunity is massive. It’s an opportunity for us to not only engage with the stars we have for our fans, but to create new stars as well and create the platform and opportunity for them to become bigger than anything we’ve seen prior to it.” (quote courtesy of