Ronda Rousey says Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and Bruce Prichard “can all suck a d*ck”

During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, former WWE star Ronda Rousey discussed Vince McMahon. Here are the highlights via…

On anxiety from what Vince might say about her match: “No, no. I didn’t give a sh*t about that. I didn’t really give a f*ck what Vince thought, to be honest. I just wanted to have a great match. Sometimes I felt like instead of like enabling us to have a great match, we were fighting against him in order to have a great match. No once it was done and all that, like once I was in there and like in the moment and lost in it, there’s no better feeling than when you’re in it and you believe the story and you’re out there with your friends and you’re having a blast. It was like, we had to march through, what were the marshes called in Lord of the Rings? The Dead Marshes. I was just going through the swamps of sadness, just trying to be able to walk into the arena. Then once the music hit, I was like, f*ck you, we’re gonna have a great time. Then we come back, and then I come back to the curtain. I’m like, f*ck you. I’m going to my baby. I don’t want to hear sh*t unless you actually have a plan for next week, which you don’t. You don’t have a f*cking plan. I’m trying to get any information all week long, and then no one’s gonna tell me sh*t until I get to the arena, and I’m still not gonna hear anything for hours.”

Why the Becky match never happened at WrestleMania: “Because Vince is an 80-year-old asshole.”

So there’s no love lost? “No, Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, Bruce Prichard they can all suck a dick.”

But all good with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon? “They are fantastic, love them.”