Results of Eddie Kingston vs. Jay Lethal at AEW Full Gear 2023

Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Jay Lethal for the ROH world title took place at AEW Full Gear 2023. Here are the highlights…

* This match took place during the Buy-In show.

* Team Jarrett was on the outside and there was a “f*ck you Jarrett” chant. Jarrett shielded Lethal when Lethal was sent to the outside of the ring.

* Kingston and Lethal traded chops and then fought on the outside of the ring. Lethal gained the upper hand by sending Kingston into the ring post. Sonjay Dutt took a cheap shot at Kingston while the referee was distracted.

* Lethal hit his top rope elbow drop but Kingston was able to kick out. Kingston countered the Lethal Injection and delivered multiple Saito suplexes. Kingston knocked Dutt off the apron.

* Team Jarrett tried to give Lethal the guitar. However, Ortiz took the guitar and hit Dutt with it. Kingston then retained his title with the spinning backfist.