Results of Cameron Grimes vs. LA Knight at WWE NXT In Your House 2021

Cameron Grimes vs. LA Knight in a ladder match for the Million Dollar Title

* Ted DiBiase had security guards bring the title to the ring before it was hoisted above the ring.

* There was an “LA sucks” chant in the early moments of the match. Both men grabbed a ladder and there was a joust. The two then brawled on the outside as DiBiase watched at ringside.

* Knight hit a neckbreaker to Grimes on the side of a ladder but Knight was selling the impact as well. Knight controlled the match for a while but Grimes was able to make a comeback. Knight was sent over the top onto a ladder bridge.

* Grimes brought the gold ladder from the stage into the ring. Grimes climbed the ladder but was knocked off by Knight.

* The two ended up on the outside. Grimes climbed a ladder and Knight tipped it over but Grimes was able to get onto the scaffold. Grimes jumped off the scaffold onto Knight.

* Grimes climbed up the gold ladder again but Knight tipped it over and Grimes fell onto a ladder bridge on the outside. Knight grabbed the ladder and grabbed the briefcase with the title.

* DiBiase presented the title to Knight after the match and pyro went off.