Potential clues regarding Drew McIntyre’s status with WWE after Wrestlemania 40

It was previously reported that Drew McIntyre’s WWE contract is expected to expire after the Wrestlemania 40 PLE. On television, McIntyre is taking credit for injuring CM Punk and Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com noted the following about what this could possibly mean…

“It’s notable that McIntyre is going all out on social media promoting the injured Punk to set up a feud that is months away, which tells me he’s planning on being with WWE when Punk returns.”

Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com also stated the following…

“Interesting to note that Drew McIntyre is being advertised for the May WWE event in Italy, a sign the two signs may have come to terms on an agreement beyond Wrestlemania 40. The expectation, as PWInsider.com has previously reported, was that his deal expired shortly after Mania takes place this April.”