Big E says he’s “not in a position to be cleared quite yet” for a WWE return

It has been over two years since former WWE champion Big E suffered a broken neck during WWE Smackdown. During an appearance on the Getting Over podcast, Big E commented on his recovery…

“Now we’re at two years and running since I broke my neck. I broke my C1 in two places, my C6 as well. I feel great. I have no issues with pain, no issues with discomfort, weakness, [or] any of those things. My strength is great. The only issue is my C1 is healing fibrously, which is great for normal day-to-day life, but it’s not turning into new bone and ossifying yet. They’re not going to clear me until that happens. It’s obviously a very important bone. Right now, that is the waiting game.

I did go to Cancun about a month ago for stem cells. We’ll see if that changes anything. Right now, I feel great. I’m just not in a position to be cleared quite yet.” (quote courtesy of