List of ideas that Vince McMahon gave Chris Jericho in 1999 to rename the Liontamer finishing move

In his book Undisputed, Chris Jericho revealed that former WWE owner Vince McMahon had sent him a fax with a list of ideas to rename the Liontamer finishing move in 1999. Here are the names that Vince suggested…

The Millennium Crash
Jericho Shutdown
Turn of the Century
The Bender
Cloverleaf 2000
Back to the Future
Big Finish
The Whammer Jammer
The J Factor
Y2J Blitz
The Concluder
The Vanquisher
The Embarrasser! (that move is pretty degrading!)
Double Leg Vise of Torment
Figure Y2J Leglock
Millennium Buster
Y2J Catastrophe
Millennium Cruncher
Jerichonium of Pain
Lion Clutch Press
The Party favor
Eve of Destruction
Millennium Melt Down
Twist of fate
The Savior Screw
The heroes welcome
Rock and Roller

Jericho sent back a list of his own ideas including “Wall of Jericho” which, with a “s” added to Wall, ended up being chosen as the name of his finisher.