The X-Factor: WrestleMania 35 - End of the beginning
Submitted by Victor Mariscal on 04/10/2019 at 02:30 AM

We were all gonna be tired after watching just the main card. I wound up being exhausted later on thanks to a major house problem.

Let’s get right to it.

Triple H
Come on, you can’t be surprised. I called it in my predictions post: ““Oh boy, Triple H’s match will go 25 minutes and bore us to tears”, said everyone.”

Cena: “And those smart fans thought we can’t wrestle?”
Reigns: “Tell me about it. I had to carry his ass in Dallas. He wrestles Brock, bores people to tears. You saw how I sold for him at Levi’s Stadium, right?”
Cena: “Hello? Suplex City? I never got that one back. Hunter’s never that selfless.”
Reigns: “Unless you’re name is Ronda.”

Shane McMahon vs. The Miz
Shane deserves some criticism, but his willingness to go balls-to-the-wall gets him rightful praise. His heel work not only attracts heat but puts the other talents over.

Maybe now when we talk about The Miz’s ‘Mania career, we talk about this instead of 2011.

Women’s Tag Team Championship
Having mixed feelings. Sasha and Bayley holding the titles longer made sense, and it’s what I supported. I’m also a fan of the IIconics since their characters are fun to watch. Furthermore, they don’t take this for granted. They were crying backstage after their win.

The internet fans wanna talk their trash and say Peyton and Billie are just jobbers. What company have you been watching all this time? Vince McMahon once told Ted Turner: “I’m in the entertainment business!” Get with the program or go watch AEW, if they ever get a deal.

This led to Bayley being jobbed out to Alexa Bliss, and we’re reminded that Vince likes her better than Bayley. They have got to turn Bayley and Sasha heel. It’s either that or the Hugger goes elsewhere.

Sami Zayn’s new groove
Some of the best heels are those who actively spoke the truth. When Sami was talking, guess who I thought about first.

Roman Reigns beat cancer not more than a month and a half ago and Barclay’s Center couldn’t keep from booing him one night? Imagine having to explain that to their kids.

One of my columns last September was defending the Bella twins. I got attacked not only in the comments but on Facebook too. Amazing how you think it’s ok to pick on Brie and bring her to tears for something that was clearly an accident.

How about Torrie Wilson putting the haters in their place:

"First thing you've got to do is realize that permission is for pansies. We don't need anyone's permission to be who we are, and we don't need permission to be who we want to be. I didn't ask the guy who said 'Torrie Wilson doesn't belong with the WWE Hall of Fame' if he thought it was okay if I still went anyway. And I didn't ask the guy that was up there booing me telling me I suck if he deemed me worthy of lacing up my wrestling boots and giving it a try the next night. Because neither would've said yes but neither one was the one stepping in this ring."

The rampant cynicism, hypocrisy, bullying, and pure hate. Maybe it’s time for accountability.

The world titles
You didn’t really think they were gonna hot-shot a major event on Raw, did you? Brooklyn reacted to it like it was the Fingerpoke of Doom. I saw it coming a mile away.

It was the right call putting the Universal title on first. It wasn’t a “let’s get this over with” match but more like “we need to avoid taking away from Kofi” bout. If Lesnar is done for the foreseeable future, fine with me. Where Seth goes next is the big mystery.

Not gonna lie, I got misty-eyed. Mad props to both Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston for the story they told. That is what WWE does after all.

The Revolution is complete
Did you ever think it would get here?

We owe a huge debt to Shawn Michaels, Edge, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They mentored Becky, which brought her to the highest point the women have ever been.

No Charlotte on the post-Mania shows. Ronda broke her hand. That’s a trooper right there.

Here’s what I’ll close with.

Through all the low points and massive missteps over the years, I stuck it out. It wasn’t easy. The recent years have made it harder with the increasingly negative opinions brought on by the hardcores. I.e., the people that Sami Zayn directly called out. It’s not that hard to sit back and enjoy it. Why don’t you? Is it that hard to offer objective criticism? Do you have to be so damn salty? It’s entertainment!

The indies do their thing. NXT is often held up as the pinnacle of great wrestling. The marks you’ve slammed tune in Monday’s and Tuesday’s to be entertained. People loved John Cena because he inspired them. I check Roman Reigns’ Facebook and he gets a lot of positivity. Both sides adore Becky Lynch.

Just be fans people.

Don’t mess with the X.

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