This week in wrestling: Roman Reigns’ vignette with Cody Rhodes and more

I thought that since I watch a lot and read about wrestling a lot, I would just do a column where I resume everything that I watch and also comment in some of the news of the week from the top 2. So let’s start with WWE…


First the opening match between Sheamus and Pete Dunne was just a awesome fight and one of my favorite match of the show.

I also loved the tease of they are doing with the New Day as I feel like one way or the other, this will revive the career of both guys as the new day act is getting stale.

Strowman and Reed was just an awesome Hoss fight and I want to see where this feud is going next.

Punk’s promo was probably one of the best of his career and it really sold the seriousness of the feud between him and McIntyre.

The ending was well done and it made all the heel look strong which is what you need if you want to see the face win in the end.

My only problem with RAW this week are both of the women’s matches. Natalya vs Zoey Stark was a good match but if you want to make Stark faction feel like a dominant faction, she really needed to put her over strong which they didn’t. As for Bianca vs Iyo, it was a strong match but I’m just tired of seeing them fight each other.


Nothing really memorable here outside of the Punk promo with Roxanne and Giulia and the whole contract signing stuff. The rest was just typical NXT stuff.


The vignette with Roman and Cody was awesome and sold me on this match.

Giovanni Vinci losing it after losing to Apollo crews was really well done.

I getting a little bit tired of the new Bloodline beating up Owens.

The women’s tag match was pretty good while predictable and the fact that it’s leading to a one on one match with Bayley and Naomi is fun even through we pretty much know how the whole thing will end.

Chelsea Green’s vignette to set up her dumpster match with Michin was really funny and I show how great of a comedy wrestlers Chelsea truly is.

The main even was what it was but again, I’m getting tired of seeing those 6 guys fighting each other.


Great to see the NXT/TNA relationship is still going strong and giving a shot to Kendall and Carlee to gain experience outside of NXT.

The opening segment was really well done and I’m just glad they finally let Masha Slamovich talking normal English because that’s stupid broken English accent wasn’t working.

Just fun to see Santino and his daughter Arianna grace interact backstage or in front of the crowd and it shows how much his daughter has the same comedy wit and presence that he does and I hope they keep doing stuff together because it just really fun.

Joe Hendry’s promo was one of his better one and it made next week match against Kazarian more interesting.

The street fight was good for what it was but for some reason I just can’t get behind Santana.

The main event was a really good six person match and I loved seeing Jeff Hardy’s tribute to Bray Wyatt.


I love the whole storyline they are doing right now with the revolution vs the rest of the ovw roster. Sure it being done a million times in the past but Doug Basham is such a great bad guy and you just want to see all snow come back and beat him up to regain control of the company. Also, I have to say that the gauntlet match between cash flo and the revolution was really well done and the ending really came out of nowhere.


The show actually introduce a new set which made the show look a lot more professional and I’m really happy that they finally gave the trio’s champions actual championship belt instead of continuously saying the own the trio’s trophy.


Since I don’t watch the shows and I only know what’s going on because I read the results, I won’t go into to many details. The only thing I will mention because I saw a few video of it and it how much go away heat Jericho is getting to the point that fans where leaving during his match with Orange Cassidy. I don’t know what happened with Jericho over the past five years but this learning tree stuff is not working and it’s now hurting others that feuding with him which isn’t what you want.


WWE re-signed Sheamus and a few others which is great news for them as they still have a lot to give in WWE and as far Sheamus is concerned he can’t finish his career in WWE. Now if they can sign Kevin Owens that would be great.

Saturday Night’s Main Event is coming back. Let’s hope that this time it’s more successful as it was the last time they revived it but I can’t wait to see the first episode of the new Saturday Night’s Main Event.

Finally, all the talk about if RAW and Smackdown will be 3 hours or not when raw moves to Netflix. Personally, I don’t care one way or the others, RAW being on Netflix will give them more freedom to do what they want and if USA decide to do 3 hours Smackdown in January, so be it.


First, the whole stuff about the new tv deal: can we just stop speculating about what the whole deal is and just wait for Tony and WBD to officially announced the deal.

Konnan vs AEW: Konnan as being saying a lot of crap against AEW this week. Some of it I agree with some not as much. I do feel that WWE doesn’t see AEW as competition and that Tony overpay talents because he can’t stand seeing his wrestlers leaving him to go to WWE

Miro asking for his release came out of nowhere but I doubt that Tony will give it to him. The fact is, Tony doesn’t have the reputation of releasing wrestlers. Just look how he’s treating Ricky Starks right now. Another guy that ask for his release and was turned down by Tony or how many obstacles and fake reports AEW put out against Penta and Fenix just because they were jumping ship. That’s stuff that Vince was doing in WWE in the last few years of his return reign.

Finally, I really hope for their sake that they get a lot of last minute tickets sales for next week Grand Slam event because the last number I saw, it’s a very disappointing number for a event of that size.

So this was my thought on wrestling this week, I probably gonna do another column like this at some point probably on PPV weeks for WWE or TNA.