WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley addresses the Vince McMahon sex trafficking allegations

During his podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley addressed the Vince McMahon sex trafficking allegations. Here is what Foley had to say…

“His belief in me made all the difference in the world from just being another guy to being, you know, one of his main guys during that Attitude Era. You can tell if anyone who has listened to a single episode (of his podcast) knows the great fondness that I have for Mr. McMahon.

I don’t know all the facts but man, it’s really ugly. I feel very similar, just like that ‘dead inside feeling’ the way I had in 2007 after the Benoit murders and man, I hope it doesn’t take away from people’s amazing memories of all the things that Mr. McMahon created or helped create including my character and the programs that I was in and was such a big part of it. I wish he really just stepped aside, you know, the first time and we just heard a little hint of these allegations.” (quote courtesy of PostWrestling.com)