Wrestling reporter addresses/clarifies story after The Rock calls it “complete horsesh*t”

It was recently reported by SEScoops.com that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s social media promos with profanity have rubbed some WWE talent the wrong way because they feel there is a double standard.

Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com provided an update on the story from SEScoops and Twitter/X account @wrestlelamia shared a summary of what was written in Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter…

“TKO would like the Rock to follow (and set a good example) it’s guidelines of TV-PG product. However, many feel the double standards of the Vince McMahon Era are back.”

The Rock responded to @wrestlelamia by writing “this story is complete horsesh*t.”

When asked, Meltzer clarified the story on Twitter/X…

“First of all I never said TKO wanted him to change anything. I wrote that because he’s The Rock he can do what he wants. You always cater to people of that level whether in wrestling or other endeavors. Somehow that was changed in translation to something me or the other reporter who had the basic same story both never said.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t like what some talent said for the story, but other talent have said similar elsewhere. That said, we’ve also constantly pointed out his value at the box office and for company perception, in ways a lot of people don’t consider such as him being there engages a lot of heavy hitters who wouldn’t engage in WWE business otherwise and has to greatly help in making deals and sponsorships. A lot of people don’t get this aspect of business and you can’t overstate his value,which is why he got a $30M deal.”