Vince McMahon has reportedly “grown to be a fan of” LA Knight and a push is expected after Summerslam

As previously noted, a “new push” for LA Knight will reportedly start after the 2023 WWE Summerslam PLE.

Wade Keller of was also told by sources that Knight’s popularity surge “has landed him on the radar” of Vince McMahon and Triple H for a possible push after Summerslam. Keller was told that Vince McMahon “has grown to be a fan of” Knight and Triple H already was.

In regards to why Knight hasn’t been pushed sooner, Keller stated the following…

“Knight has a long-running reputation for rubbing people the wrong way behind the scenes and just being ‘bad at backstage politics.’ Those who know him well tend to like him and some of them have spoken up on his behalf when Knight gives a bad first impression.”

Keller added that Knight’s connection with the fans “hasn’t gone unnoticed by anyone.” Knight is currently one of WWE’s best merchandise sellers.

Twitter account Better Wrestling Experience (@BoozerRasslin), who first wrote about Knight being pushed after Summerslam, tweeted the following…

“The department knows what LAK is capable off. But the strategy was always to go by the system and not just break it suddenly because a talent is abruptly over. That’s why patience is key.”