Tony Khan explains why he has been making more appearances as a character on AEW television

As seen during the May 22nd 2024 edition of AEW Dynamite, AEW President Tony Khan drove Darby Allin to the arena and provided a flamethrower for Darby to bring to the ring. While speaking at a media call to promote the 2024 AEW Double or Nothing PPV event, Khan explained why he has been making more appearances as a character on television…

“I really tried to limit the amount of appearances I have personally made over the past five years. It would be fair to say that less than one-tenth of 1% of television time has been spent on me over the last five years. That’s how it should be. Occasionally, if a match had to be made or a major announcement, I would come out and do those things.

I am planning to visit the fans this weekend and I love being at the events before and after with the live crowd, signing autographs and taking photos whenever I can. It’s really important to me that the focus of the show is on the wrestlers and the wrestling. Even when there is a story like the struggle for control of the company. The power in the office. It’s still important to feature it in the context of a wrestling show and with the wrestlers. Even with last night, I was at most two seconds on the show. That’s how it should be. You don’t need to see a ton of me. It should be about the wrestlers, and the reaction Darby got when he got into the arena. Because the Young Bucks banned him from the arena and Kenny Omega has been out with surgery, there was really only one person who could lift that ban. I felt that ban needed to get lifted. It was really important for the fans going into Double or Nothing for the fans to see Darby and for him to save Bryan Danielson on his birthday and for Bryan and Darby to stand tall.” (quote courtesy of