Tony Khan comments on creating a safe working environment in AEW amidst WWE allegations

During an interview with Amy Kaplan of, AEW President Tony Khan was asked what safety measures are being taken by AEW to help protect women in light of the allegations against WWE and Vince McMahon

“I can’t comment on the terrible allegations against WWE right now. That’s something people are paying a lot of attention to right now, with good reason. For us, first and foremost, trying to create a safe locker room environment for everybody, women and men, and we have a really good bond. I think we have a great locker room, and everyone knows there is a support system there. There are a lot of channels, and I think everybody feels very good about having a safe place and a safe workspace and there are people you can talk to. There are people in the office, but even on the wrestling side. For us, I think that’s the most important thing in any office of any workplace, is just having a lot of people that will listen and will want to make the company a safe and good place to work.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)