Tessa Blanchard names two specific WWE stars that she would like to work with

As previously noted, Tessa Blanchard has been attending the University of Texas, San Antonio to study International Affairs. During a viral signing with Captain’s Corner, Blanchard was asked about wrestlers that she would like to work with and she mentioned two WWE stars…

“People ask me this all the time. There are some people I would like to wrestle. Most of them are in different companies right now. One of them is Red Velvet. I’ve watched a little bit of her work and I think that she is pretty solid so I would love to work with her. Last night, I saw some girls working and I got to work with The Renegade Twins a little bit and they impressed me a lot and just speaking to them outside of the ring, in the locker room and stuff, I really was impressed by who they are as people. Natalya is one that I would love to do. Neidhart versus Blanchard, I think that would be badass. Charlotte Flair versus Blanchard. There’s a lot of people on my list, a lot of talent that I’d love to have matches with.”