Taz addresses criticism of Hook no-selling a move on AEW Rampage

During his match against Bear Bronson on the December 25th 2021 edition of AEW Rampage, Hook no-sold a Rikishi Driver which drew some criticism from fans.

Hook’s father and AEW announcer Taz addressed the negative comments on Twitter. Taz referenced a video clip of Tiger Mask no-selling a punch from Bret Hart during a match in the early 1980s…

“Wait, so the wrestler in the mask ‘no sold’ (I think that’s the inside term that hasn’t been inside for years) the punch by the bigger wrestler without the mask? So that KILLED the wrestling business right?”

Taz later replied to a fan with additional comments…

“Wrestling has always been an ART. People digest art & entertainment differently, subjectively. Folks are entitled to their view, my view is built on decades of experience.”