Rita Chatterton comments on her allegations towards Vince McMahon resurfacing

As previously noted, former WWE referee Rita Chatterton’s past allegations of sexual assault by WWE/WWF owner Vince McMahon resurfaced in a New York Magazine article.

In an interview with the Cheap Heat Productions podcast, Chatterton commented on the allegations resurfacing…

“Well, it [allegations against Vince McMahon] pretty much came to light, I had met Abraham Riesman and had talked with him about my referee days and this was after I had received the award from the [International Pro Wrestling] Hall of Fame and next thing I know, McMahon was in the papers again for paying hush money and Mr. Riesman called me and asked me a few questions, I answered a few questions for him. Next thing I know, we’re in the magazine and here we are. Things are crazy. My phone is going crazy with people wanting me to do interviews, wanting me to do television, wanting me to do this show and that show. At this point, I have chosen not to do anything. Doesn’t mean I won’t in the future but at this point, I am not quite sure what I’m doing so I’m just gonna sit back, take my time, think about it and figure it out. If anyone wants to see it, they are more than welcome to read the article, it’s New York Magazine or if they wanna know the rest of the story, I reported this story 30 years ago with Geraldo Rivera on ‘Now It Can Be Told’ and that’s on YouTube. So they’re more than welcome to go and see it there. But, as far as I’m concerned at this point right now, today in my life, I’m just not even going there. I’m not going there in my life again. It still hurts. The whole thing still bothers me so I would really just rather not go there.”

“No, not at all [she’s not surprised Vince McMahon is back in headlines]. I’m surprised it’s taken this long to be honest with you.” (quotes courtesy of PostWrestling.com)