Ric Flair names the three people that he believes “killed” WCW

The first episode of the Who Killed WCW? documentary aired last week. In a post via Twitter/X, Ric Flair wrote the following…

“I’ve Tried To Lay Low On This But Let’s Face It- Who Killed WCW? It’s A Three-Headed Monster! Jim Herd, Eric Bischoff, And Vince Russo!!! There’s No Individual Wrestler Or Faction That Caused Anything To Kill WCW. It Was The People In Charge That Created Dysfunction, Animosity, And Tried To Divide And Conquer By Lying To Everyone And Involving Themselves In The Promotion Which Was The Ultimate Failure! God, I Could Give You A Thousand More Examples.

I Am One To Live Through All Three Nightmares And To Be Saved By The @WWE! Thank You To The WWE For Bringing Someone Who Was Dead In The Water As A Result Of These Three People Back To Life!”