Results of Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page at WWE NXT Battleground 2024

Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page for the world title took place during the WWE NXT Battleground 2024 PLE in Las Vegas, NV. Here are the highlights…

* Trick had the early momentum but was then sent to the outside of the ring by Page. Page threw Trick into the steel steps and continued to deliver offense in the ring. The crowd chanted “whoop that trick” and Trick was eventually able to make a comeback.

* Page slipped to the outside but Trick went right after him. Back in the ring, Page regained control and started trash talking. The two traded blows and Trick hit a Bookend but Page kicked out.

* The fight went to the outside. Page ended up powerslamming Trick through the announce table. Page got Trick back in the ring and hit a Razor’s Edge but Trick kicked out. Ethan got frustrated which led to Trick taking advantage and hitting the Trick shot to score the pinfall victory. Sexxy Red celebrated with Trick after the match.