Results of Roxanne Perez vs. TNA Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace at WWE NXT Battleground 2024

Roxanne Perez (c) vs. TNA Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace in a women’s title match took place during the WWE NXT Battleground 2024 PLE in Las Vegas, NV. Here are the highlights…

* Jordynne received “TNA” chants during her entrance. Jordynne outpowered Roxanne in the early moments and there was a “this is awesome” chant. Roxanne tried to use her speed but couldn’t get the advantage. Roxanne slapped Jordynne and the crowd chanted “you f*cked up” at Roxanne. Roxanne finally gained the upper hand and targeted Jordynne’s arm. Jordynne managed to regain control by slamming Roxanne to the mat from the second ropes. Jordynne hit a spinebuster but Roxanne kicked out.

* Roxanne avoided a muscle buster and went for an arm submission but Jordynne escaped. Jordynne hit a muscle buster with a second attempt but Roxanne kicked out.

* Roxanne regained the upper hand with a DDT on the outside. Back in the ring, Roxanne applied a crossface submission but Jordynne escaped. Tatum Paxley then showed up at ringside and tried to leave with the TNA title but Ash By Elegance (Dana Brooke) stopped her. Jordynne was momentarily distracted and that allowed Roxanne to get the win with Pop Rocks.