Results of Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage at AEW Double or Nothing 2024

Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage for the world title took place at AEW Double or Nothing 2024. Here are the highlights…

* There was a feeling out process in the early moments. Swerve built up momentum but missed a dive to the outside and crashed into the barricade. Christian threw Swerve into the barricade and got him back into the ring. Christian hit a frogsplash but Swerve kicked out. Nick Wayne took a cheap shot at Swerve while the referee wasn’t looking.

* Swerve avoided a spear and started to make a comeback. Swerve came off the top with a crossbody but Christian kicked out. Mother Wayne grabbed the AEW title but Prince Nana took it away. The referee saw Nana with the title and ejected him.

* Killswitch and Nick attacked Swerve while the referee was distracted. Killswitch accidentally gave Christian a headbutt and Swerve took out Killswitch and Nick. Christian hit Swerve with a spear but Swerve kicked out. Christian’s group was finally caught on the apron and they were ejected from the arena.

* Swerve gave Christian a stomp on the apron. Swerve went for a dive but missed and crashed onto the steel steps that were placed outside of the ring. Nick hit Swerve with a cutter while the referee was distracted and threw Swerve back into the ring. Christian hit a killswitch but Swerve kicked out. Nana returned with a pipe and chased Nick to the back.

* The match continued on the outside of the ring. Swerve gave Christian a stomp on the announce desk. Both were barely able to get back into the ring. Swerve avoided a spear and nailed Christian with a house call kick. Swerve then finished off Christian with the top rope stomp and another house call kick.