Results of MJF vs. Jay White at AEW Full Gear 2023

MJF vs. Jay White for the world title took place at AEW Full Gear 2023. Here are the highlights…

* MJF was attacked by The Gunns during the Buy-In show and left the arena in an ambulance.

* Early during the PPV broadcast, there was a segment with Bullet Club Gold and Tony Schiavone. Schiavone revealed that since MJF was “injured” by The Gunns, he could not compete in the main event. The world title was about to be awarded to Jay White when Adam Cole came out and said he was taking MJF’s place in the match.

* For the main event, Cole came to the ring on crutches. Just as the match was going to start, MJF returned to the ring while driving the ambulance. Officials tried to stop him but MJF got in the ring and the match was officially started.

* MJF’s leg quickly gave out on him but kept trying to fight off White. The Gunns took additional shots at MJF while White distracted the referee. The Gunns tried to use a chair but the referee caught them and had them ejected from ringside.

* MJF somehow managed to make a comeback and he delivered the Kangaroo kick. However, MJF was still struggling with his bad leg and White regained the upper hand.

* The two ended up on the outside and MJF tried to place Cole on the announce table but it collapsed. MJF decided to deliver an elbow from the top rope to the floor anyways. MJF managed to get White back into the ring.

* White gave MJF an avalanche Uranage but MJF managed to kick out. MJF countered the bladerunner and then hit a tombstone piledriver but couldn’t make the cover.

* White was on the apron and MJF jumped over the top rope with a cutter to White onto the floor. MJF got White back in the ring but collapsed from his knee pain. The ringside doctor checked on MJF but he refused to have the match stopped.

* White applied a figure four submission to MJF and Cole teased that he was going to throw in the towel. MJF yelled at Cole to not throw in the towel. MJF finally managed to reverse the hold but White got to the rope.

* White grabbed the ROH title from Cole at ringside and hit MJF with it while the referee was distracted. However, MJF was able to kick out. The referee ended up being knocked down and Cole brought out the Dynamite diamond ring. White managed to get the ring and flipped off Cole. White was about to use the ring but MJF gave him a low blow. MJF got the ring but Gunns ran down. MJF took them down and then hit White with the ring. The referee recovered and counted out White to give MJF the win.