Results of Matt Riddle vs. Sheamus at WWE Wrestlemania 37

United States Title
Matt Riddle (c) vs. Sheamus

* Before the match, Riddle met up with the Great Khali. Riddle praised Khali’s hand. Khali was speechless but Rob Van Dam then arrived as a translator.

* Sheamus had the early momentum but then Riddle came back with a backflip belly to belly suplex from the top rope. Riddle then hit a jackhammer for a nearfall.

* Sheamus caught Riddle with a knee and got a nearfall. Sheamus attempted to hit White Noise on the apron but was unsuccessful. Sheamus came back with White Noise and then a knee drop from the top rope but Riddle still kicked out.

* Riddle attempted a springboard moonsault but got caught with a brogue kick and Sheamus became the new United States champion. Riddle’s mouth was busted up at the end.