Results of Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk at WWE Summerslam 2024 PLE

Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk took place at the WWE Summerslam 2024 PLE in Cleveland, OH. Here are the highlights…

* Special guest referee Seth Rollins wore a referee robe to the ring and had a video camera hooked up to his ear. Rollins had words with both men before the match officially started.

* Punk and McIntyre immediately started brawling. Punk kicked McIntyre repeatedly in the corner but ignored Rollins’ count. McIntyre ended up doing the same thing and was yelled at by Rollins.

* The two fought on the outside and Rollins didn’t bother counting. McIntyre sent Punk into the ring frame and Rollins laughed. Back in the ring, McIntyre went for covers but Rollins was slow in getting into position to make a count.

* McIntyre brought a chair into the ring and told Rollins to turn around. Rollins ended up taking the chair away from McIntyre. McIntyre pie-faced Rollins and Rollins responded by nearly hitting Punk with the chair by mistake.

* Punk made a comeback and delivered a big elbow drop but McIntyre kicked out. Punk applied the anaconda vice and retrieved his bracelet. McIntyre took advantage and hit the claymore but Punk kicked out.

* Punk went for GTS but realized that Rollins was wearing his bracelet. McIntyre knocked Punk into Rollins and Rollins fell out of the ring. Punk hit the GTS but Rollins came into the ring late and McIntyre kicked out.

* Things got heated between Punk and Rollins. Rollins said “it’s not always about you, asshole” and Punk responded by giving him a GTS. Punk took his bracelet back but then McIntyre gave him a low blow. McIntyre hit another claymore and Rollins counted out Punk. Rollins left the ring and McIntyre took Punk’s bracelet again.