Results of Bryan Danielson vs. Jack Perry at AEW All Out 2024 including Jon Moxley turn

Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jack Perry for the world title took place at AEW All Out 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Perry arrived to the arena in his “scapegoat” truck and was greeted by The Young Bucks. A “CM Punk” chant started but it was drowned out by other fans. Perry had a riot squad accompany him to the ring. Bryan came out to “The Final Countdown” for his entrance.

* The two had a feeling out process in the early moments. Bryan built up momentum and did “yes” chants with the fans. Bryan came off the top with a missile dropkick and Perry rolled to the outside. Bryan came off the apron but Perry caught him with a superkick. Perry then gave Bryan a draping DDT on the floor.

* Perry worked over Bryan but then Bryan fought back and delivered an avalanche back suplex. Bryan applied the LeBell lock but Perry was able to reach the rope.

* The two traded shots on the apron and Bryan ended up suplexing Perry off the apron with a “you deserve it” chant at Perry. Bryan got Perry back in the ring and targeted Perry’s tricep. Bryan delivered several yes kicks and went for the running knee but Perry countered it with a snare trap. Bryan escaped and Perry started trash talking.

* Bryan recovered and went for the running knee but Perry pulled the referee in front of him to take the blow. At this point, The Young Bucks attacked Bryan and delivered a TK driver. Claudio and Wheeler ran down to make the save. Perry tried to pin Bryan when the referee recovered but Bryan kicked out.

* Perry went for a running knee but Bryan countered with his own. Both men exchanged shots and Bryan got fired up after Perry slapped him repeatedly. Bryan hit another running knee but Perry kicked out. Bryan kicked Perry’s head in and finally won the match after hitting another running knee.

* After the match, Killswitch attacked Bryan and Christian Cage came down to the ring with his world title contract. However, Jon Moxley and the Blackpool Combat Club stopped them. The Blackpool Combat Club celebrated with Bryan but then Claudio gave Bryan an uppercut and Moxley suffocated Bryan with a plastic bag. Wheeler Yuta was the only one that was upset and was held back by Pac. The crowd chanted “this is murder” and medical personnel came down to administer oxygen to Bryan.