Olympic gold medalist Gable Steveson expresses interest in a WWE career

21 year-old wrestler Gable Steveson, who won an Olympic gold medal in the 2020 games, did an interview with nbcchicago.com prior to his win and talked about his future…

“For me, staying in school will be a very nice thing. Winning another national title for Minnoesta and solidifying myself as a great, and at the university is another big thing. But I don’t know. It’s all up in the air, there’s so many opportunities that have come about, but to come back to Minnesota one more time, winning again, be that person that people can come watch… it’s gonna be a wild decision. I love WWE, I love what they got and my time in there is going to come really soon and I hope to hold the belt with them for a very long time just like Brock Lesnar has.”

Triple H and Pat McAfee commented on Steveson’s win…