How Tony Khan is said to feel about Mark Henry’s work in AEW so far

During an appearance on the Sports Guys Talking Wrestling podcast, Mark Henry talked about how things are going with him in AEW so far…

“You know, that would probably be a question for Tony [Khan, how Mark Henry has done in his AEW role so far]. But I’ve had several interactions with my management and Tony. He’s head over heels happy with what I’ve added, what I’ve done, what I’m doing. The people are getting served outside of AEW. Our charity and community division is helping and affecting the communities that we go in. There’s, you know, nothing but a bunch of praise. But I’m not in it for the pats on the back, I’m not in it for just the money. I’m in it because I wanna make a difference and on my tombstone, them not just say, ‘Here lies a guy that was world champion in three sports,’ but how many people were affected by his work and that’s my job. My job in every sense of the word is to go in and troubleshoot, go in and give moral support and speed up the learning curve and give the wrestling acumen that is gonna be enticing to people going forward.” (quote courtesy of

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