How Steve Austin feels about a potential role with WWE as a manager or announcer

While speaking to Jimmy Traina on the SI Media podcast, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin was asked if he is interested in a potential role with WWE as a manager or announcer. Here was Austin’s response…

“Right now, off the top of my head, I say no, because I don’t want to put the time into living my life back on the road again. I rode that road hard. I loved that lifestyle, I worked my ass off, I put my body on the line, and I ran hard. Now, I’m at a place where I’m still living life. I started racing due to the fact that I met some people on the show and started racing. I work with Kawasaki Motorsports, that’s about as much traveling as I want to do is going to races on weekends and stuff like that. I’m happy where I’m at. I will always entertain any kind of business offer, but I spent enough time on the road and I’m just picking and choosing. I still want to work and I still want to be productive. I’m in the beer business. I have three beers with El Segundo Brewing Company, I work with Kawasaki, and I’ve got some other private ventures that I’m into. I don’t want to get out on the road again. I’ve been there and I’ve done it, and I ran hard.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)