How Samantha Irvin is said to feel about her fiance Ricochet leaving WWE for AEW

AEW star Ricochet appeared on Chris Jericho’s podcast and here are the highlights…

“Leaving WWE and coming to AEW: “When I got on the main roster, Paul Heyman at the time was the head of creative. At that time I was in there with Samoa Joe. I was in there with Randy. I was in there with Seth. I was in there with Lashley. I was in there with all these guys and winning. I was US champ. Then the regime kind of changed a little bit and then I felt like I got stuck in a role. WWE is a huge production that travels the world being a production show, so I feel like everyone has their roles that they have to play, and I just got stuck in this role of making people look good. It’s just not the role I wanted to play. There’s nobody to blame but myself. Everything that has happened is my choice. I can’t blame anybody but myself for where I’m at, but I know that the decisions I’ve made and where I’m at now, I’ve made all the right decisions.”

Leaving WWE with his fiance, Samantha Irvin, still working for them: “It definitely was a thought, but we have a really good relationship. Whether it’s her or me or vice versa, we’re like, what is really going to make you the happiest, and then we help that partner get there. She understands the type of artist that I am and the wrestler that I am. She understands, not being stifled, but not being pushed to your full potential. She’s like, ‘What’s going to make you the happiest will make all of us the happiest because as a group, we’re going to be happy.’ She’s for it. She’s carving her own path right now and I’m for that. We’re doing it right now and we’re very happy.” (quotes courtesy of