Health update on Tommaso Ciampa amidst his hiatus from WWE

Tommaso Ciampa hasn’t wrestled in WWE since September of 2022 and revealed in October that he was out of action due to hip surgery. Earlier this week, Ciampa provided an update on his health via Instagram…

“Today was my final stem cell treatment.

They have this awesome tradition at @bioxcellerator where you write what you are hoping to achieve on your stem cell bag.

I wrote “dance with buddies” which is Willow’s term for wrestling, and “play tag” because it breaks my heart that I can’t run and play with my 4 year old.

130 million cells via IV

190 million cells via intraarticular (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders)

40 million cells via intradiscal (lumbar spine, facets, SI joints)

360 million stem cells in total. Let’s heal! 🖤

Mommy, Daddy, Willow Forever 🖤