Former WWE writers comment on a “hostile environment” while working for the Vince McMahon regime

In an article on, former WWE writers commented on a “hostile environment” while working for the Vince McMahon regime. One writer, who was anonymous, said the following…

“Everybody was getting yelled at all the time in the room. It was more saying shit that was humiliating or mean [that was then] couched as a joke, but it’s a nasty joke. If you’re being targeted in the room, nobody stands up for you, but that’s because if they do, they will get the bullet in the head, too. You don’t stick your head up out of the foxhole for anybody, because nobody wants to take a bullet.”

Another writer talked about Vince making last-minute changes to shows…

“It doesn’t really matter what he said in that creative room or if he loved it [at an earlier point], it was still going to get torn up before the show. By the time Monday rolled around and we were all in the production meeting, something else was gonna happen. It almost felt like a joke, like we were just there to satisfy Vince’s whims. We were all Vince McMahon transcribers. I think Vince enjoyed the manipulation. He liked changing things. He liked keeping people on their toes. I genuinely felt like, this isn’t to benefit the show or the storyline, Vince really just enjoys making people squirm.”

While representatives for WWE did not issue a response to Rolling Stone, A spokesperson for McMahon gave the following statement…

“Scores of writers could share tales of what an enjoyable, creative and freewheeling environment the WWE writers rooms were. This handful of (obviously disgruntled) individuals aren’t representative in any way of the consensus — or of the truth.”

Check out the Rolling Stone article for more stories from other writers.