Former WWE star Alberto Del Rio says “it’s not fair that the world is destroying” Vince McMahon right now

During an interview with, former WWE star Alberto Del Rio commented on the sex trafficking allegations against Vince McMahon

“The law system works in different ways in every state, but I can tell you this: the law system in America works, and it’s fair, and they always find the truth. Whenever they do, whatever the truth is—whether it’s for one side or the other—it will be a matter of whether people can accept the truth or not. I’m saying this because that’s exactly what happened with me.

The truth is out there; it’s just for the people to see it. But there are still some people who don’t want to see the truth. For whatever reason, they continue attacking a man who does nothing but work, work, work, provide for his family, and give his best to the wrestling business. When it comes to Mr. McMahon, it’s going to be the same. The law system will find the truth, and they’ll put it out there. Then it will be up to the people to either believe that truth or continue attacking Mr. McMahon.

Whatever happens, I have to say this: it’s not fair that the world is destroying him right now. They’re forgetting that none of this—none of this beautiful business—would be here today the way it is if it wasn’t for him. The personal stuff has to be completely separated from what he created in our industry. That’s the only thing I find unfair. So to everyone out there, I say this: the law system will find the truth. Be ready.”

You can check out the full interview below…