Details on Jon Moxley being a “big reason” why Bryan Danielson signed with AEW

In an interview with Jim Varsallone, AEW President Tony Khan talked about the upcoming match at AEW Revolution between Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson…

“I think through their interviews, and through steam that has connected on TV, it is a match that people are very invested in now. Jon and Bryan have created a very, very interesting story here. People really want to see what’s going to happen with the two of them.”

“I don’t know if people know, Jon Moxley is a big reason why Bryan Danielson came to AEW in the first place. He really vouched for this place, he gave his word to Bryan that this is a great place to work. And that helped connect me to Bryan Danielson, that Mox gave him that reference, you know. That I am a good person to work for and that this is a good company to come to.” (quotes courtesy of