Dax Harwood comments on FTR’s decision to stay with AEW instead of returning to WWE

During his podcast, Dax Harwood of FTR commented on the team’s decision to stay with AEW…

“Yes. We have re-signed with AEW. If you think…Vince [McMahon] has officially been back in charge since right before WrestleMania? If you think that we put pen to paper as soon as that happened and Tony (Khan) made all the adjustments as soon as that happened. I don’t know if you understand how business or contracts work. If you think we went into the building Wednesday night with no contract signed and said, ‘we’re not going to sign unless you give us these belts.’ You’re so short-sighted. I said on the podcast months ago, we knew what we wanted to do and everything was getting fine tuned. We knew way before Vince came back in charge what was going to happen. Yes, we have re-signed with AEW.”

“I felt that, working for Vince, I was just a number. Vince has taught his minions underneath him into thinking everyone is replaceable and everyone is just an object and he places these objects where he wants to. We’re not. Maybe in wrestling we are objects, but wrestling should be just a percentage, a small percentage, of what your life is. For better or worse, that’s how Vince runs his business. I was just a number, just an object to Vince. To Tony, I am a human being. He cares about me, my feelings, my family. Working for someone like that, obviously, is going to make our decision much easier when comparing and contrasting to a person who just has us as a number.” (quotes courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)

Cash Wheeler also tweeted the following on the three-year anniversary of FTR’s WWE departure…

“This isn’t a negative post. I’m very thankful for my time there. That being said.. Thank you to everyone that has been on this ride with us. From the early days to now. The last 3 years have been some of the most rewarding of my life. Take chances for your happiness & success.”