Dana White comments on UFC fighters such as Derrick Lewis potentially having a match in WWE

Following the WWE and UFC merger into TKO, fans have speculated on crossovers between the two brands. While speaking to media earlier this month, UFC fighter Derrick Lewis said the following about potentially having a match in WWE…

“What’s the TKO?………..Oh, yeah, we’re actually in talks right now. We’ve been talking for a few months now. I was supposed to go down there in February to check everything out.”

After UFC’s Fight Night event in St. Louis, UFC President Dana White was asked about Lewis’ marks…

“Well, I didn’t know that [Lewis-WWE talks], but yeah, I would do anything for Derrick Lewis. I really like Derrick Lewis a lot. Listen, some of the fighters who fight here have always dreamed about doing a WWE match or whatever it is. I don’t have a problem with that. I mean, I didn’t have a problem with that when Vince [McMahon] was consistently f*cking me for no reason, and now that that’s not the case anymore, I obviously would absolutely do it.” (quotes courtesy of WrestlingNews.co)