CM Punk involved in segment with Roxanne Perez following her WWE NXT Battleground match

As seen during the 2024 WWE NXT Battleground PLE, Roxanne Perez defeated TNA Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace to retain the NXT women’s title. There was outside interference that led to Jordynne being distracted.

After the match, Roxanne gave a backstage interview and gloated about her victory. CM Punk approached her and they had the following exchange…

Punk: “Hold up, just calm down one second. I’m sorry to bust in here. Listen, you’re the champion for a reason. You’re head and shoulders above all these women here. You’re head and shoulders above all the TNA Knockouts. But tonight, you got lucky. I need you to focus on this. I need you to be who you are, I need you to be The Prodigy. You don’t need anything else.”

Roxanne: “Thanks for the advice. What a hypocrite, huh?” (quotes courtesy of Colin Tessier)