Claim made that Tony Khan “banned” AEW wrestlers from watching a WWE show

A video was published to former WCW star Konnan’s YouTube channel with Konnan on: Tony Khan banning AEW wrestlers from watching WWE as the title. Konnan, who works for AAA, shared a story about Dragon Lee and Dralsitico beating FTR to win the AAA Tag Team titles in late 2022 just prior to Lee signing with WWE…

“When FTR was working with us, I gave the Tag Team titles to Dragon Lee and his brother Dralistico. The next day, Dragon Lee signed with WWE. He hadn’t signed yet, but the next day he did. Well, Tony [Khan] went nuts, and I had to fly over there. He went off and was like, ‘Yeah, yeah, why are you doing this? I can’t believe you did this. You stabbed me in the back, and you should have told me before.’ So I said, ‘Basically what you’re trying to tell me is you don’t want me to work with WWE again?’ He goes, ‘No, I didn’t say that. I have two witnesses saying I didn’t say that.'”

Konnan then claimed that Khan didn’t want AEW talent watching the 2023 Royal Rumble PLE…

“But bro, he had given out that day the order that if he found out anybody was watching Cody [Rhodes] at the Royal Rumble when he returned and won, he [Tony Khan] basically gave an edict: ‘I better not find anybody watching that show.’” (quotes courtesy of