Meeting Scott Hall – I will never forget you Chico!
On a cold winter night in London, England in November 2013 my brother and I weren’t just honoured to meet one but to meet three of our all time favourites in X-Pac, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall.
The tour was full of controversy due to the promoter’s sketchy ways and attitude.
Our spirits couldn’t be dampened however as it was in all my years of fandom our first time meeting wrestlers we grew up watching. Scott had recently gone hip surgery which I was honoured to donate to and I guess my consolation months later was meeting him.
As the excitement wore on, I was face to face with the man. He shook my hand and was even emotional after I had told him that I made a donation. He politely said thank you and embraced me even more.
After the Q&A portion of the evening my brother and I took our personal items for the legends to sign. I took my WrestleMania X VHS and of course he signed it and then said now get Shawn to sign it and luckily I did get it signed years later.
Since the age of five, that match at WrestleMania X has been my ALL TIME favourite wrestling match and that will never change.
RIP Scott. My condolences go out to your family and friends.
I will never forget you Chico!