TNA Impact Review + Reaction to The Undertaker and Batista’s Political Endorsements

It’s been a busy time under the Y.M.I. roof, between the 9-5, school, and sick kids, which had inevitably reduced the regular wrestling consumption (and of course, the availability to write about it). But we’re back like we never left and I’m not gonna waste any time. Let’s talk TNA!

Call it a pandering PR move, but I have nothing but respect for TNA donating proceeds to victims of the hurricanes. Very classy move from the promotion that certainly doesn’t have WWE or AEW money at its disposal. And God bless the victims of these devastating storms.

Speaking of thoughts and prayers, I certainly want to send those out to the family and loved ones of former Ring of Honor COO, the late Joe Koff. That man brought ROH to the highest heights it has ever seen prior to the Tony Khan purchase, from partnerships with New Japan, to the Madison Square Garden debut, toy deals, and some of the biggest stars performing for what was considered to be the third biggest promotion in the States behind WWE and TNA. I was not a ROH lifer, however, the crowd-less pandemic ROH shows really won me over and had me hooked until the hiatus. Thank you, Joe.

Opening Match: PCO vs. Rhino in a No DQ Match

This was an odd choice to open the show with. Under the “Pick Your Poison” deal where opponents for an upcoming match can decide on an opponent and stipulation that the other guy has to comply with, that diaboloical Matt Cardona put PCO in a hardcore match against his own friend in hopes to soften him up for Bound for Glory. Both of PCO’s titles were on the line (the Digital Media title and the unsanctioned International Heavyweight title), and Hannifan told us that the Monster’s Ball match between PCO and Cardona is still on regardless of the outcome of this match. Kinda sucks for Cardona, doesn’t it? If PCO loses here, that means he’d have to go through Monster’s Ball with no titles on the line.

Anyway, with all due respect to the newest TNA Hall of Fame inductee (Rhino), this match was entirely skippable. The friendship between PCO and Rhino was established with past run-ins, but not to the point where we should feel sorry for the two having to clash. This was another display of “crazy old man is willing to kill himself for a pop” syndrome, and no new ground was broken. This is one of the places where TNA needs to be careful not to fall into the garbage indie trope of breaking furniture every other week for no reason. The crowd likes both guys and were somewhat into the match, but there was no heat or no drama. PCO was looking out of step and he had trouble getting his balance whenever climbing the top rope. A predictable missed gore through a table led to the predictable win, and we’ll have to sit throught yet another hardcore match at the PPV.

Promo Time: Nic Nemeth Yells at Matt Cardona while Making Gia Miller Blush

The other half of the “picked poison” from the Cardona/PCO feud is Cardona having to face TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth in a non-title match. I guess making it a non-title was PCO’s middle finger to Matt for having to defend his titles in a hardcore match. The world title not being on the line was not the choice of Nemeth, because he’s a fighting champion (something he reiterated at least 12 times here). Nic talked up the history between him and Cardona, and I honestly don’t remember any major rumbles between Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder in WWE at the moment. All I can think of is Vicki Guerrero and that time when Ryder was in a wheelchair and Kane pushed him off the ramp. Nemeth is still looking ahead to his big match against Joe Hendry at BFG, but he’s not overlooking Cardona, who he calls “kid” (at least he’s consistent). I’ve never been a fan of Nemeth’s “steal the show” line (feels like it’s admitting that wrestling is fake), and I highly doubt he has a shot at taking Chelsea Green from Matt (he said he steals shows and girlfriends, and I assume that by implication he’d steal wives as well). But whatever. Nemeth vs. Cardona still to come.

Arianna Grace is out to introduce yet another one of her “closest friends” and the next NXT up-and-comer to get in their reps and count the lights. The WWE Performance Center Generic Name Generator is still fully functional, as Brinley Reece ‘bodydonnas’ her way to the ring to face Ash… By Elegance. Grace and Reece do an awkward high-five/fist bump deal, and Reece (who looks like a 90’s fitness instructor) does push-ups and kisses her biceps while waiting for the Personal Concierge to yell at poor Jade Chung about doing a proper ring introduction. That jerk.

Despite having a ham-n-egger name, Brinley is actually pretty impressive in the ring. No big acrobatic moves; a healthy concentration on the theatrics in the ring; and knowing how to properly interact with the heel she’s working with (she smeared the lipstick of the vain diva). From what I can tell, she seems to “get” the balance of pro wrestling. Moves are great, but you have to know how to get the crowd to care about you. I’ve fussed about NXT sending their scrubs to TNA, but this was perfectly acceptable since this wasn’t a title match or on a PPV. Ash picks up the win over a very game Brinley (seriously, WWE… THESE NAMES), and decides to get revenge for the smeared lipstick by humiliating Brinley. Xia Brookside makes the save, and apparently Xia is far from finished with Ash. Perhaps this will allow Xia to finally show some more fire and get over with the fans beyond whatever good memories her last name brings up. And maybe Ash can also show that she’s ready to move up the ranks among the Knockouts. Feuds matter.

Can’t wait to see the results of Heather Reckless’s makeover.

X-Division Title Match: “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater

It’s matches like this that make me glad I don’t do the “move-by-move” style of reviews. You just have to watch this. This match is the signature of Mike Bailey: impressive feats of fast-paced and hard-hitting athleticism, mixed with no-selling and obvious choreography. Some might call it “indie-riffic” (no disrespect to the good indies out there). It’s a display of the advantage that a Brinley Reece has that Mike doesn’t: a producer or agent telling him when to slow it down and allow the crowd to soak it in. This is not to say that the crowd didn’t love what they were seeing. There were “THIS IS AWESOME!” and “FIGHT FOREVER!” chants throughout. And I do not want to give off the impression that this was a terrible match- because it wasn’t. Kudos to Leon for selling the arm or shoulder injury (sometimes). Both these guys are great at delivering the modern style that modern fans love. It’s just a little too spot-heavy for my tastes, and this was an obvious “show what this kid can do” showcase with no heat between the competitors. I miss Mustafa Ali. Ali could do the flips and the 450s, but he brought a character to the X-Division that you either wanted to cheer for or wanted to see get punched in the face. Bailey just seems content with having “good matches” and this is concerning going into a big PPV.

Slater puts up a great fight, and he has insane ‘hops’. But Bailey is not ready to let go of the title he’s holding for the third time, and has enough respect for the tenacity and resiliance of his opponent, that he decides that one finisher won’t be enough to keep him down. Tornado kick, Ultimate Weapon, AND a Flamingo Driver… 1-2-3. Okay… THAT part was a nice touch. Slater is giving some impressive showings in losing efforts. Let’s see what happens.

A video package airs of the Hardys vs. ABC with interference from the System. We hear Matt Hardy’s voice narrating, questioning if the Hardys should “hang it up”. The System’s run-in has led to a three-way TLC Full Metal Mayhem match for the world tag team titles that *just might* include a table, a ladder, and some chairs, but is totally NOT a TLC match (WWE likes ya, but they don’t like ya THAT much). ABC and the Hardys are in the back to deliver the standard double-babyface, mutual-respect-but-I’m-gonna-beat-you exchange. Ace in the nicest way possible, pretty much calls Matt and Jeff old men without calling them old men. Matt chimes in and says that he’s tired of people using past tense when talking about the Hardys, and wants to change it to present tense. Nothing too riveting here, but the match has been effectively sold. Ace name-dropped Smackdown’s Motor City Machine Guns and said that the Guns weren’t willing to “pass the torch”, so ABC had to “take the torch from them”. Great line! Both babyface teams want to take down the System, and they are not afraid to take each other down to prove who the best team is. Simple, yet effective. Handshakes, and “may the best team win.”

I admit that I was against ABC/Hardys happening so soon, but if this leads to the Hardys’ feel-good win, followed by the passing of the torch to ABC- I’m good with this.

Maclin Calls Out Josh Alexander

Steve Maclin comes out to the ring to the pop of approximately three people. He’s justifiably pissed at the Northern Armory for jumping him last week, preventing him from making the save for Eric Young. Maclin in his gruff veteran voice tells Josh to “get his a** out here now!” Josh, the sinner, and the saint- who just so happen to be standing around waiting for their music to cue- got some free time, and out they came.

Who wears track suits with no shoes? Apparently the sinner does… or is he the saint? Sorry- still don’t know which one is which. But the shorter guy with the dark hair who wrestles shoe-less thought he’d make a fashion statement by leaving the Nikes on the shelf and coming out looking like he was rushing to get to his high school track practice. It looked weird.

What was also weird was me not getting the full promo here. Josh was cutting a great promo on Maclin, mocking Maclin’s “change of heart” and becoming a “righteous guy” all of a sudden in trying to assist EY. It was a solid and logical promo, and I just continue to be blown away by how well Alexander is doing in his heel mic work. But I didn’t get all of what he was saying, as it was cut short, and we’re instantly in Santino’s office. A bummer… Josh was cooking. Did the same thing happen to anyone else, or did you get to see the full promo?

Bound For Glory Bingo Ball Rolling Cage

Daddy-daughter duo Santino Marella and Arianna (I still don’t think this relationship has been established on TV yet) are in his office with the rolling cage that is full of names of potential entrants of the Call Your Shot Gauntlet match. For those unaware, this is TNA’s other version of Money in the Bank (the other being the Feast or Fired briefcase that doesn’t have a pink slip)- only no one has to climb a ladder (or pole), and there’s also a Royal Rumble-esque feel to the match (20 people, not 30). We don’t know who’s in it until we hear their music play. It’s over the top rope eliminations until the final two entrants are left, and the win is decided by pinfall or submission, likely to avoid any “whose feet hit the floor first” controversies. Men and women (and children whose parents sign a waiver- according to Santino) are in this match together, and last year’s winner was current Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace. The winner can challenge (and “cash-in”) for any title they want. The winner, like MITB, has one year to cash-in.

Perennial main event- hoverer Frankie Kazarian threatens Santino, saying he had better be in the match. Santino takes exception to being goozled in front of his daughter(?). Frankie then tells Arianna her crown looks stupid and walks out.

No Contest because… SCREW This Match!

No amount of admonishing by the referee was going to stop Mike Santana from sending a message to Moose. What was supposed to be a one-on-one against tag team champion Brian Myers turned into a mini-massacre that had 3 of the 4 male members of the System on their backs thanks to a steel chain wielded by Santana. Mike doesn’t want to wait for BFG. He wants Moose’s “Baby Boy-looking a**” in the ring NOW. But we know the rule in wrestling: you are not allowed to come out if your music doesn’t play. No music, no Moose. Santana decides to go Moose-hunting, and gets cracked on the back of his head with a baseball bat by Moose. “Be careful what you f***ing wish for!” says Moose. Not that it needs it, but if there’s any match at BFG that deserves a bloody stipulation- it’s this one.

Next week is the go-home show for Bound For Glory, and it looks like it’s going to be fire.

By the way, where the heck is Lei Ying Lee (Xia Li for all you guys who can’t let go of people’s WWE names)? She had a great debut match, but we haven’t seen her since. Curse these super-short TNA contracts!

Sit-down Face-to-Face: Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich

Champion and challenger have a heart-to-heart that was superbly moderated by Matthew Rehwoldt. Rehwoldt, using very few words, allowing the wrestlers to shine, and keeping things from going off the rails when the two started speaking over each other, was the anti-Tony Schiavone– who often just looks like a hokey stooge standing there holding the mic whenever doing in-ring interviews. Something else done here that AEW can’t ever seem to get right: the selling of when friends become enemies. Grace and Masha didn’t shy away from their real-life friendship, instead masterfully weaving it into this story. And it wasn’t done to the detriment or diminishing of their previous rivalry that saw Masha lose three times in a row. Each of those battles left both ladies with scars that were deeper than they both realized, with Masha entering the tag team ranks to build herself back up, and Grace taking advantage of every opportunity that came her way (read: WWE a-callin’). No hair-pulling or cattiness. No “diva this” or “I’m sexier than you” that. THIS is how you sell a women’s championship match, folks. A+.

Pick Your Poison Main Event: Matt Cardona vs. Nic Nemeth

But FIRST- a reluctant introduction of Frankie Kazarian by Jade, with hilarious groaning from Tom Hannifan who is wondering what he did to deserve this. Cardona comes out flanked by the ever-effective security team made up of local indie guys who are so totally NOT going to get beat up tonight. It was revealed that this “poison” was picked by both PCO and Steph De Lander. Cardona puts you in a hardcore match, and your retaliation is a regular shmegular non-title match after all the crap Cardona put you through? For a monster couple, you guys have no imagination.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this match between the two 20+ year vets. Nemeth’s selling and comebacks will be studied one day, and Cardona was actually a lot more convincing here as an upper card heel than he has been in his entire feud with PCO. Lots of counters and overall smart wrestling (the 10 elbows spot by Nemeth is always crazy to watch. Amazing cardio) with humorous banter between Kazarian and the commentators without taking anything away from what was happening in the ring. The finish sees Cardona hit a low-blow (the ref was RIGHT THERE, but somehow managed to do a great job being tunnel-visioned and missing it) and looking to capitalize, before being distracted the thunder and lightning intro of PCO’s theme. PCO comes out, and… remember when I said that these security jabronis weren’t going to get beat up? I accept your apology for rolling your eyes at me. I was half right. Two of them got beat up, and the other two said “nope. You can have it” and let PCO by without taking a single bump. After 4 decades, some of these security guys are finally starting to smarten up. Nemeth hits Danger Zone on the distracted Cardona for the pin, and PCO throws Cardona on his shoulder and carries him away. Kazarian wallops Nemeth from behind, and you know what the people are waiting for: “say his name, and he appears…” And ‘appears’ he did. Joe Hendry makes the save to the delight of the believers, and the champion and challenger jointly knock Kazarian out of the ring. We get the closing visual of both babyfaces celebrating and standing tall as we go off the ai-

SIKE! Kazarian grabs a mic and finally answers the question that Hannifan kept asking him: why was he out here? Frankie reaches down in his crotch and pulls out a referee shirt (don’t ask). The world title main event of BFG will feature Kazarian as SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE!!! Holy cow. Did not see this coming at all, don’t know why or how this is happening, and this definitely spices up the match that many feel will be Hendry’s crowning moment. Frankie clearly hates both competitors, and will undoubtedly find ways to make this all about himself. Who made this call and why? I guess we’ll have to stay tuned to find out!

What to go out of your way to check out if you don’t check out anything else:

Once again, Impact puts me in a tough spot with this one. The matches were solid (save for the opener, and the X-Division title match not being my personal cup of tea), with the main event and post-match angle delivering. But if I’m forced to choose one thing to recommend- I have to go with the sit-down between Grace and Slamovich. Bound For Glory can’t get here fast enough, and I’ll do my predictions once the full card is released.

Wrestling With Politics: Undertaker (R) vs. Batista (D)

“Politics should stay out of wrestling” is among the many comments I’ve been seeing lately. I guess if you want to get technical, these two WWE legends are retired, and aren’t “in” wrestling. I understand the sentiment of fans who wish to hold on to the nostalgia and mystique of their favorite star, and said happy feelings can be ruined when one of your favorite wrestlers endorses the political candidate that you do not support. Former multiple-time world champion Dave Bautista (Batista) has publicly endorsed Democrat Kamala Harris, boldly sporting a Harris/Walz t-shirt while exiting the polls after voting early. Hall of Famer Mark Caloway, alias the Undertaker, along with his kayfabe brother Glen “Kane” Jacobs, have publicly endorsed fellow WWE Hall of Famer, Republican candidate, and former president Donald Trump. I’m sure Jim Cornette (who has MY “vote” for the WWE Hall of Fame next year) is absolutely thrilled about the latter.

My thoughts? These guys can do whatever they want. They have put in the work, they made their mark, they have earned their respective legendary statuses (though I use the word “legend” for Batista very hesitantly. Sorry- he was never one of my favorites), and they each have a right to their opinions and views while we still have a first amendment. They can endorse whatever candidate they want, and no one is requiring you to like it or agree with them. At the risk of coming across as judgemental, it is no surprise that the guy who makes a living in Hollywood would vote for the liberal Harris; neither is it earth-shattering that the conservative “Dead Man” would back Trump. Just the way the cookie crumbles, and who they vote for takes nothing away from what they accomplished in the rasslin’ business. If you decide to burn whatever merch you purchased just because of their political leanings- that’s on you. They still made money off of it, and they aren’t hurt by your actions. I legit saw a comment from a guy that said he was getting his Undertaker tattoo removed (or inked over). I’ll let y’all do with that bit of info what y’all will…

Here’s my advice to you: I’m not telling you who to vote for, but I do urge you to make informed decisions. These media outlets are owned by billionaires or billionaire families, and they each have their biases. If you are “hate-voting” or “fear-voting” (voting for the one person because you hate/fear the other person)- you have clearly been consuming too much mainstream media. Do your own research (Facebook memes and watching out-of-context 3-second clips that were edited by opposing sides is NOT research). Unless you were born yesterday, you have lived under BOTH the Trump administration AND the Biden/Harris administration. Sit down, and reflect on what your life was like under both administrations and ask yourself which one was better. You don’t need catchy slogans, soundbites, gaslighting from other politicians, or the opinions of famous people (who are humans and will have to live under the same government as you) to sway you. Quit moaning and complaining about things you can’t control and go out and VOTE. Simple as that. With less than 20 days until Election Day, I’ll leave you with ALL of the names of the candidates and their running partners, along with their respective websites so you can judge for yourself who’s fit to run this country.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz – Democratic

Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat- Libertarian

Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware- Green

Randall Terry and Stephen E. Broden- Constitution

Donald J. Trump and JD Vance – Republican

Dr. Cornel West and Melina Abdullah- Justice for All

Vote according to your convictions (not someone else’s slanted views), and may the right candidate win.
