Jay’s Ways – Stop The Tessa Blanchard BS Please!

Can we stop with the BS about Tessa Blanchard imminently signing with a promotion?

That has been the rumor for the past year or so…and still nothing. Every few weeks that crap pops up. It’s not true; it never was true. After her less than ideal exit from Impact Wrestling last summer, she has been off the grid completely. No signing. No debuting. No big promo. No vignettes. Nothing. Yet, somebody over at SEScoops wants to invent a ‘scoop’ (pun intended) that Tessa and her husband Daga are set to join All Elite Wrestling. This was reported a few days ago and as usual, I was right on top of the garbage.

Check the timestamp. I called it out right from the jump. Tessa isn’t going to AEW. Daga, maybe, maybe not. Tessa – that isn’t happening. The wrestling community on Twitter freaked out over the rumor. Some knew it was a pipedream from the start, while most gobbled it up like every other so called verified news on the internet. Opinions varied, but in the end, it doesn’t matter.

Today, both the Wrestling Observer and PWInsider (much more credible outlets) shot down the ridiculous SEScoops report – posted by whoever Michael Reichlin is. No clue who he is and with false stories like that posted, nobody ever will. My suggestion would be to double check your source, assuming it wasn’t just made up and/or do your due diligence a little bit better next time. Perhaps dig up a CM Punk return story? Those always work out well.

Ultimately, I would be shocked if Tessa is signed by AEW or WWE in the near future. She left Impact Wrestling about as unprofessional as one can, plus there are many ‘racist’ tales out there from other talents from the past. That’s without even mentioning her being VERY protective of her character on screen, which is okay but can rub people the wrong way when you combine everything else. Not a good look, whether you choose to believe the stories or not. Just look at recent history.

WWE has signed countless women in the past year. AEW has signed countless women in the past year. Impact has even brought in countless women in the past year, since Tessa left them high and dry as their champion. All the while, most would agree Tessa is one of the most talented female workers in the industry. You tell me what the issue is then. You tell me why others are getting an opportunity before she is even considered. You tell me.

At age 25, I assume Tessa will get signed by a major company eventually. Whether it is AEW or WWE finally giving her a shot to prove herself or even Impact crawling back to give her a second chance, she will get signed. I doubt she just up and retires or disappears at her young age and is so freakin’ talented. This is just her paying the piper though. No company is going to touch her with a ten foot pole for now. Down the road or when certain apologies or amends are made, sure.

Until then, please stop with the made up stories.