WWE star seemingly teases that he will be making an appearance for TNA Wrestling

As previously noted, WWE’s collaboration with TNA Wrestling is expected to continue beyond Jordynne Grace’s appearances. There is speculation that the crossover could carry on at TNA events such as the Against All Odds PPV event on June 14th at Cicero Stadium near Chicago.

During a commercial break at the June 4th 2024 edition of WWE NXT, Brooks Jensen expressed his frustrations to Vic Joseph and Booker T but was then “removed” from the building. In a video published to his Twitter/X account, Jensen seemingly teased making an appearance for TNA (formerly Impact) Wrestling…

“I just wanna know why. Why, of all people in the Performance Center, me? For three years I’ve busted my tail. I’ve said yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am. I’ve done all the right things to make it to the top, but for some reason, they just don’t see it in me. When I try to voice my opinion, when I try to ask the questions of why, instead of sitting back and taking it, they throw me out of the building? You know what the best thing about this is now? I can go anywhere I want. Who knows? Maybe I can make an impact.” (quote courtesy of WrestleTalk.com)

Grayson Waller showed his support for Jensen by writing the following…

“Not surprised, I dealt with the same BS at the end of my NXT run. Go show them who you are mate.”