WWE star Omos addresses the news that his manager MVP is leaving the company

While being interviewed by Adrian Hernandez on Unlikely, WWE star Omos addressed the news that his manager MVP is leaving the company

“Since my time on WWE, I’ve spent the most time with MVP on the road. We’ve driven everywhere. It was him and I, hip to hip. I’m definitely going to miss him. I think it was time and in our time spent together, I was able to learn a lot from him. I was able to pick his brain. We spoke about everything from wrestling to promos. How to be a good heel. Just little things about the business that a lot of guys don’t get, I got to get that one-on-one time with him, someone who is very experienced in this business.

I was extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to work with him and I did learn a lot. Forever friendship. He’s forever my guy.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)